America’s Army 3 -compact advertising and warning kit. Previous PC versions of the Free game named after the US Army (the military made for money with obvious purposes) developed in the same direction as Arma With Operation Flashpoint. They had parachutes, driving jeeps and launching guided missiles. There is no equipment in AA3 at all: only five simple cards, the same number of gaming modes and mechanics of the classic online shooter on the Unreal Engine 3 engine. This is enough to clearly explain what real heroism is and why to fight with modern technologies and professional training is better than without them. If I were an American teenager doubting myself, then after AA3 I would hardly have signed up for the armed forces … But I would definitely go to the draft point and took a booklet with further information there.
Tarot tactical
We are used to the fact that the words “free game” almost always mean “budget”, that something will certainly be done in it, something will not be enough. In the AA3 schedule, the shortcomings are immediately visible-the poor animation of the fighters, the errors in their physical interaction with the environment, they saved in the textures in some places, the leaves, herbs and sergeants-instructors clearly lack polygons … But all this can be on Alley, Impact and Ranch cards Forgive for excellent design.
The first is a multi -level urban card in the style of tactical series Swat And Rainbow Six (with traffic lights, supermarkets, fire stairs, a quiet park and neon signs), the second is a two -story, thoroughly broken -down artillery town with decorative armored vehicles (a typical map of a military shooter), the third is the only one where the action takes place in an open area, on hills and fields Around the abandoned farm.
Alley and Ranch – cards are very good, at the level of any commercial FPS, there is always where to hide, where to run and where to shoot from. There are spaces for mass attacks and group defense, tunnels and lanes for secret sorties, roofs for snipers, labyrinths for individual duels … Impact is ideal for the game mode Take and Hold, dedicated to the capture of checkpoints.
Pipeline and Bridge cards got AA3 by the previous series and look much weaker, especially if you use them not in the classic version (where three valves must be tightened on the pipeline, and on the bridge to cross the other side), and in new gaming modes about the abduction BRIFKAIS and destruction of radio windows.
Alien head
As in any team shooter, in AA3 there is a quick playing out of the same combinations: they crashed into groups, reached key points, entered a shootout with groups of the opponent, who ran to key points on the other side of the street. In AA3, the development of events is richly illustrated: each team has a senior officer who, in interaction with the leader of each group, develops a plan of attack or defense. The tactical plan of the commanders is displayed in a special planner – points X, Y and Z, color lines for each group … Everything that is required of you is to follow the right vector to the desired collection point.
In the lower left corner of the screen there is a very convenient scalable mini-card, on which you can monitor the course of the battle. But on this, the visual clues end and realism begins and the “your or foe” recognition system in the game is not the vile Cherven separatists (a collective image of several probable opponents at once) differ from valiant American soldiers with a shade of uniforms and the lack of a headdress. You can’t wait and look closely – they will shoot, when choosing goals, we must be guided either by logic (from this side we cannot go), or instinct or experience.
Another very important point-in AA3 there are no messages like “Sergeant Hmury killed the Corporal Super Superchiter from the under-barrel grenade launcher M-320”, the death of the opponent is not recorded automatically. You do not know if the enemy is killed, whether he is ambushed or wounded and you need to urgently go to finish until the doctors arrived in time. A trifle, it would seem, but with protracted positional battles, this feature of the game often turns out to be a decisive. After a long shootout behind the haysters, only corpses or a group of four angry saboteurs may lie with equal probability.
May the Savior come
Realistic field medicine has long been a characteristic sign of America’s Army – even after the first part in the media, stories flashed about how young people saved their lives to the affected people. In training mode, we are shown educational videos and lectures on the treatment of wounds of varying severity – from tangent bullets to Scarab Wins Casino open pneumothorax. But it is not necessary to frantically be summarized – the worst wounds in AA3 are treated automatically, knowledge is needed only at the very early stage of first aid. Symptoms are given, you need to recall the lecture and choose the correct treatment method. It’s easy to do this in training, but when bullets whistle around, not every time you remember in which case you need to apply the tire, and in which it is possible to give the smell of ammonia.
In general, first aid under fire is the best that is in AA3 is the process no less spectacular and exciting than shooting. I was lying shot, looking at the rapidly melting lifbar with horror, some Canadian ran to me, fell nearby and, risking his life, tried to stop bleeding. The street shot down, and he had to crawl out-but he threw a smoke bomb around the corner and crawled to me under covering the smoke curtain … It was the most heroic moment that I have ever watched in computer games.
Interaction with partners and dedication in AA3 are not less encouraged than accurate shooting – they give glasses for them, levels, titles, new training modes that open access to new classes of characters, weapons and equipment.
So far, in the game you can be the commander of the group, a simple soldier, a machine gunner, a grenade launcher or a sniper, in the nearest addons promise to add the opportunity to play an engineer (will be able to build fortifications at the preparatory stage) and a scout (will obtain information about the enemy). Classes are not as bright as in Team Fortress 2 or Battlefield Heroes , but a machine gun, for example, the perfect weapon for a beginner. He took a position, faded the corner of the house, a head appeared without a helmet – you give a long queue on it. It is not necessary to get, the main thing is to prevent the enemy from leaning. For such activities, they even give a special ac.
Although it is necessary to be careful here: in tactical conditions, AA3 from a machine gun is easier to mow not the one who needs. In an atmosphere of urban battle, in poor lighting, a beginner with M249 is able to kill his entire team of eleven people in two and a half seconds.
Well, a sniper is the only player who has a sight with a multiple increase and who shoots at AA3 at people, and not at pixels flickering in smoke.
* * *
America’s Army 3 lives according to the principles of the online shooter of the old hardening – but on new (relatively) technologies and with a convenient tactical interface. They explain everything intelligibly, in the best army traditions – it is immediately clear what needs to be done on the map so that you are not immediately killed. And very few tactical shooters with a claim to realism can boast of this. For careful attitude to the recruit AA3, you can forgive a couple of boring cards, and the shortcomings of the picture, and the absence of the opportunity to press your back against the wall. In addition, work on addons boils … The US Army loves you, waits and prepares you brilliant prospects for career growth.
Reigracy – yes
Cool plot – no
Originality – yes
Easy to master – yes
Evidence of expectations: 85%
Gameplay: 8
Graphics: 6
Sound < And music: 7
Interface and management: 7
Waited? Interesting cards, a competent tactical interface, a balance between realism and accessibility is maintained … In 2003 it would be an ideal tactical shooter!
Mania rating: 7.5