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Opinion about Sonic Forces. Hedgehog is tired, hedgehog needs to rest

By November 29, 2024December 6th, 2024No Comments

Alexey Pilipchuk, Permanent Army Author

Sincerely believes that games are still an art, and dreams of finding the times when developers learn to tell stories cooler than in cinema and books.

, If not everyone, then many people know about blue and insanely fast hedgehog. Cartoons, advertising, toys and comics – even in the Russian -speaking countries of this alien from Japan loves mass people. Only now, oddly enough, some of his fans are not even aware that Sonic is a character of a computer game. Perhaps because there have been no good projects about the nimble animal for many years.

Unfortunately, Sonic Forces , Another attempt to save a series is unlikely to add a hedgehog of popularity. Although you can't call it the worst of the experiments either.

The plot trailer for the game.

Animals on the war trail

If Forces is your first meeting with Sonic, then you are probably not the best moment for dating. When developing a new project, the Japanese fell from their hands, it seems, almost everything. Take at least a story that turned out to be simply stupid and to pain naive. Yes, in the platformers they traditionally do not pay attention to it, only here for some reason the emphasis is on the plot. And in vain!

Sometimes the game still turns into a bright adventure, which should be.

Sonic Forces script is apparently designed exclusively for children. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain where there are so many stupid jokes, meaningless phrases and pathos cries. Although even children's cartoons can be smart and rich in original heroes and adventures. But neither the disclosure of characters, nor interesting events are here.

The whole story is just a number of operations, somehow "sewn up" among themselves. Here is a villain, here is the world and a bunch of heroes who decided to save the situation. They could go into adventures, fall into the troubles, quarrel, fall in love, help each other and betray, as is often the case in simple, but exciting stories. Instead, the characters play war and send the player to destroy something, to rescue or kill something, accompanying it with the same type of briefings and stupid bravas.

Invent new locations, villains and plots, developers for some reason lazy.

Mobs are somehow smoothed out by their favorite characters-they are just cute and familiar with old games and cartoons-but they are not even trying to work with them here. Some of the heroes appear for a few seconds and speaks a couple of phrases, some simply fill the air with an empty chatter that you want to squeeze out. So if Sonic Forces is to get acquainted with the series, then the question “who is it?»Will remain unanswered until the final.

And if you are a longtime fan, the game is unlikely to add at least something new to familiar images. And certainly will not give memorable situations! Just Sonic and his friends once again run, crush robots, smash an egg of death and collect rings. Enjoy.

Break – do not build

Sonic developers were not just inspired " Star Wars " When creating an egg of death, they borrowed even the habit of the empire over and over again “restore” superweapon.

The levels themselves are also in no way beat the history: almost all of them a set of linear stages, where you need to run from one location point to another. However, for the gameplay, we are primarily like platformers and love? So here the most interesting could begin. But it did not begin.

At first glance, everything is the same: the main character rushes at great speed, overcoming cliffs and obstacles, demolishing enemies and collecting bonuses. At the same time, both relatively calm platform stages and swift, breathtaking races are combined. By tradition, some levels are nonlinear, there you can go the other way or go in search of secrets.

And Sonic Forces is also trying to combine the mechanics of 2D and 3D parts of the series: there are classic levels with the side of the side, and the Runner Etapa with a view from behind the back of the hedgehog.

The developers, apparently, have no fresh ideas. But sometimes the old works more or less good, and playing becomes interesting.

It would seem that everything is in place. Only now use it in Sonic Team , Apparently, they have forgotten how. There are few really non-linear plots here, and the levels lack obstacles that would make you think or at least quickly react.

It is more often that you just have to rush forward, from time to time to burn the jump button, literally “jam” enemies, and during three -dimensional races – posing, rebuild from a row in a row. Just like in mediocre mobile earlier.

Sometimes designers wake up and throw something curious, like a combination of several moving electrified platforms. Well, or just allow you to adapt to fast music to the rhythm and demolish a bunch of enemies on the run ..

But even these successful moments suffer from game design errors.

The editor of the characters is very good: you can blind at least a cat, at least a wolf, paint in any color and even choose the shape of the eyes. Cartoon characters are pretty, and they throw new clothes and accessories after each level.

Some katavasia is always happening on the screen: it is not clear what is happening, where you can break, and where to just be on the other way. Sometimes the tiny figure of Sonic is simply not Richy Fish Casino visible in porridge from multi -colored objects, and physics is ambiguous: the hero slides, as if from clockwork, inertia is almost not felt.

In general, it is sometimes difficult to control the characters that for a platformer is a bad news. And even in the most successful areas, all this inevitably knocks out of the rhythm, which occasionally, but manages to "feel".

In the end, the game simply repeats: the same surroundings as in the previous parts, the same mechanics. The only attempt to change something is the ability to create your character, equipped with a hook-hick and weapon like flamethrower. Only here the problem is: all this does not fit into the high -speed mechanics of Sonic.

The fact that avatars can be dressed up in a bunch of clothes and configured in the editor is also a funny, but dubious decision. Moreover, this nameless, stray and spineless character often deprives the well -deserved attention of Sonic himself and his bright friends. For fans, again, not the most pleasant news.

Cannot say that new gadgets add diversity to the process.

Even more screenshots from Sonic Forces

Even more video and trailers on Sonic Forces

Despite all the shortcomings, Sonic Forces will probably have (and already found) fans. It passes in two to three hours, almost does not bother, but from time to time it still entertains. If nothing to wait for it and just relax, you can get a lot of pleasure. Only now it is not entirely clear why this is to do when there is an exemplary Sonic Mania, new (and excellent, by the way!) "Mario", Insanely beautiful Cuphead, And also Ratchet & Clank, which is played well, and is an adventure of the level of full -length cartoons.

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